Moving Forward - Writing
For all of my semi-philosophical ramblings I'll need to define some rules. Every article or abstract will be enclosed in of itself and if needed explicitly referenced externally. Thus you will be able to understand each abstract without previous knowledge (hopefully). The abstracts will be in english because it is the most common language and also (arguably) the language of the future. It also helps in exchanging my ideas with english-speaking friends. I could have used German, but it doesn't fit my site nor helps in achieving my goal with this project. It is arguably better for philosophy with its added precision. The english will have somewhat formal wording while maintaining a more fun and easier to understand informal writing style. This is mainly the english I use in normal conversations which aims to be understandable and mixes concepts from all english-speaking countries.
The abstracts will have a descriptive title, consist of introduction, definitions, thoughts and examples respectively. If necessary I will go on tangents and other ramblings like stories to further elaborate on a given point. Being understood outweighs being right in the philosophical world in my opinion, so if you find mistakes in writing they are yours to keep. Taking a look at historical philosophical texts being clear about what you are saying is truly important and helps in understanding text even centuries later. For example, one might think Nietzsche was russian with the way he repeated certain aspects and built his sentences while Cicero can only really be understood because of the ultimately precise latin language and his writing style. Other roman-era philosophers are not as fun to read and even modern philosophers like Adorno struggle with being both precise and understandable.
One might think I'm just rambling about weird stories and thoughts of mine, and while that is mostly true I still consider this to be philosophy. A text is philosophical in nature once you say that you are not aiming to do something else entirely specifically and you write about philosophical problems like e.g. ethics of specific events or anthropology in matrix-like media. In a sense, most texts like novels and even popular movies have a philosophical stain to them, even if they just repeat ideas of morals talked about before.
Also, I'm writing this as an abstract because it is the most affordable and accessible way to talk about my thoughts. Producing an entire video or podcast is not accessible because of time reasons. Ultimately other means might serve to literally paint a better picture of my ideas, but the effort outweighs the benefits. This is after all still supposed to be a collection of ideas I continually improve upon.